Saturday, September 28, 2013


hey future cravers :)

This was a BIG week for Crave!  The existing space we are leasing is about 2500 square feet.  We only need half of that, so the landlord is dividing the space with a demising wall.  

before the wall...

the frame 

sheet rock!

Didn't think a wall could be so exciting did ya?  Ok you probably aren't quite as giddy as we are ;-)  We couldn't even wait for the tape and bed...had to try our faux brick technique to see if we liked it.   Oh I like it! A lot! 

So many things are coming together, but we have a long long way to go in a very short time.  Our goal for opening is still the end of October.  Blake has been having a ball in the kitchen toying with different palate pleasing concoctions!  The menu is almost complete with 25 to 30 different favors.  What are some of your favorites? Tell us...what are you craving?? 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

coming soon...

Hi there popcorn lovers :)

It has been a very slow frustrating process...but we ARE getting there!  We actually had all the right people under the same roof yesterday.  Architect, Project Manager,  our GC, Landlord's GC, Property Manager, Property Manager's assistant, and my favorite person brother-in-law Jason.  I'm not sure how we would make all this happen without him.  So we are finally all on the same page and moving forward!  

Here are some before pics before we actually begin construction...

we are taking the space on the corner

and here is what the signage will look like once it is up...hopefully :)
this one will actually be on the west side of the
 building facing Weir's.

and this one on the south side....the one that will hopefully 
grab your attention while driving north on Preston Road :)

Blake and I are anxious and excited and can't wait to get open.  We are still aiming to open sometime in October, even if it is the 31st.  Which might be just perfect...come get your treats (not tricks) for all of your Halloween festivities! 

We will let you know when you can crave it. love it. give it....very soon!